Project Bliss

“feel your heart”

We all have it, we’ve simply forgotten it’s there within! Headphones help remove outside distractions allowing us to leave our adult heads behind.



“A state of complete, and utter happiness”


Q. What should we expect?

The experience is a 2hr guided session following a gentle intention setting movement to music =.

Q. What do we need to bring?

All you need is an open mind and comfortable clothing.

Q. Who can take part?

Anyone with any background.

Q. Where does it take place?

We are mainly based inside Summerhall just off the meadows and also we are occasionally at new exciting locations in the city

There’s no right, there’s no wrong

There’s just BEING

Meet Team Bliss

Jackie Jack - Bex Hunt - Jenny Massey

We’re excited about our sessions. Focusing on encouraging ourselves to look inward, tapping into our inner child.

  • We gently guide you on a soulful movement journey - bringing together yoga; releasing movement; dance and meditation with music and live direction through your headset.

  • Feel refreshed, energised and better placed to make a rippling effect in your life.

  • Whether alone, with friends, family or work, we encourage you to make new connections.